M Short Distance

United Kingdom

27 years old

Josh Kerr

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No one could fairly accuse this Scot of being a one-trick pony. Make it fast, make it slow, force him to lead, or allow him to follow – the distance doesn’t matter to Josh Kerr. The defending world champion at 1500m and 3000m has proven that there is more than one way to win a race and he is willing to try them all. 

So then how do you beat Kerr? That’s what everyone is trying to figure out.

One thing is for certain; when the man with the colorful shades decides it’s time to make his move then it will be decisive. That shift in gears is best described as violent and it will be felt. Kerr eats up ground with a stride that is somehow equally as powerful as it is graceful. It’s a winning combo. 

Kerr only lines up when he’s ready to go… and lately, that’s been always. 

3:45 mile in the mile. 8:00 for two.

From a freshman taking an NCAA title in his first battle, there has never been a king he could not slay. His style is as fearless as his words – scared of no one and inviting all challengers to try. 

But don’t get it minced: Josh Kerr can run fast, but he prefers to race.

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